RCCO RESEARCH * 1996 Evaluation Disks Catalog * ---------------------------------- RCCO Research is a leading publisher of user-supported software products offering one of the largest catalogs of original programs in that genre for DOS and Windows users. Our objects-oriented technology software products are now available from more than 400 user-supported software disk dealers in the United States, plus countless BBS's and information networks throughout the world and are widely available on several of the major CD-ROM disk editions. Disk duplication fees charged by the various vendors provide functional evaluation copies but do not include registration, which may be purchased separately from RCCO Research after evaluation. Commercial versions of some products may preclude those titles being available as evaluation copies in some countries (including the United States). All RCCO Research programs are copyrighted and most titles are trademarks. A partial catalog of current offerings appears below. Other, older titles are still available and supported. Please consult your favorite user-supported software source for the availability of current DOS and Windows(R) programs from RCCO Research. We are constantly adding new titles and making revisions to our catalog. * DOS PROGRAMS * ------------------- ___ { MONEY & BANKS }, Personal Banking Manager. Our bestselling flagship program. Personal, business, or professional banking. Reviewers: "5-stars" "Best program of its kind!" An America Online "Top Pick" (1995, 1996). One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ P.A.S.S.: Appointments Scheduler (Professional/Personal Appointments Scheduling Solutions). Professional, business, or personal appointment schedules. (Program is included within Money & Banks). One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ VideoNexus, video collection records. Attractive visual approach to ordered systems upkeep for a personal video tape or laser disc library. Reports; video labels. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ StampsNexus, philatelic collection records. A visual inventory system for stamp collectors. Reports; packets labels printing utility. One 360k 5.25"or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ BooksNexus, book library records. A visual library system for personal book collections. Reports; book labels. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ AudioNexus, music library records. A visual library system for a personal or professional collection of musical cassettes, compact discs, or other recorded formats. Reports; audio labels. AudioNexus is a very popular program throughout the world and one of our most often-registered products. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ CoinsNexus, numismatic collection records. An attractive, visually- objective system for personal, professional or institutional coin collection records. Reports; coin packet labels printing. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ SportsNexus, sports cards collection records. A visually-appealing program for recordkeeping an individual or professional collection of sports cards, such as those from the major card publishers in any category of athletic competition. Reports; sports card packet labels printing utility. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ PhotoNexus, photography collection records. An effective and efficient system of recordkeeping for a professional or individual collection of photographs and related materials. Reports; Photo Envelope Filing Labels printing utility. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ DocumentsNexus, projects/documents development records. Efficient, flexible recordkeeping for professional, institutional, or corporate documents and/or projects and related data. Report writer. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ CellarNexus, wine collection records. Recordkeeping for a personal or business-related wine cellar collection -- its inventory and/or related data. More extensive than other wine records programs. Report writer. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ RegistryNexus, assets/possessions records. Recordkeeping for tangible items, fixed assets, or other possessions. Suitable for personal, business, or professional use. Extensive data options. Report writer. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Display::Runner, pcx images sequencer for store/show advertising/sales messages (for DOS- or Windows-based systems). Quickly create self-running slideshow applications of sequential messages for product/services advertising, sales or other presentations. As a self-running continuous display, the sequence is timed at approximately one second for each image (the registered version provides for displays of 2-second and 3-second durations, as well). User-prepared 640x480x16 VGA .pcx image files are utilized. Also included is a sequence of sample pcx files intended for demonstration purposes to show the method and possibilities of program usage. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. * Development Tools * ----------------------- ___ Trade::Show, pcx images sequencer for demos/presentations. Create slideshow demos/presentations from user-prepared .pcx image files. The program takes a sequence of .pcx images in 640x480x16 VGA format and displays that sequence to customers, clients, or other end-users in a choice of three methods: at the end-user's own pace with a key click to advance images, or with a self-running continuous demo (with 6-second intervals between images), or as a variant on the first that waits a few seconds for a key click, and if not found, advances automatically. Particularly effective for software developers creating demo programs. Sample pcx images are included. For DOS- or Windows-based systems. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Facade, developers' pcx splashscreen display for DOS applications. Display copyrights or other splashscreens from .pcx image files. Requires 640x480x16 VGA .pcx files for splashscreens. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Facade-C (Facade for Clipper). Clipper-specific edition of the widely-used Facade developers' utility, a pcx splashscreen display for DOS applications. Allows CA-Clipper programs to display a developer-designed VGA .pcx file as a sign-on copyright or introductory screen. Addresses Clipper-only features not available in the standard edition of Facade. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Image::Runner, developers' pcx display utility for DOS applications. Display .pcx image files from within DOS executables. For QuickBASIC, CA-Clipper, Turbo Pascal, C, etc. Requires 640x480x16 VGA .pcx files for images. Small (29k), fast, efficient. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Visible::Setup, developers' installation utility for DOS applications. Create simple, clean, professional installations of DOS applications. No scripts or macros to write. For CA-Clipper, QuickBASIC, Turbo Pascal, Clarion, FoxPro, C, etc. Small (16k), fast, efficient. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Visible::Setup-G, VGA splashscreen edition of Visible::Setup (developers' installation utility for DOS applications). Displays a developer-designed VGA .pcx file for a customized introduction to the installation process. Other features are similar to those indicated for the standard edition of Visible::Setup (above). One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Visible::Setup-W (Visible::Setup for Windows), developers' setup utility for Windows applications. Available on one HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disk. ___ Visible::Serialization, developers' serialization utilities. Append serial numbers (or other identifiers) to .exe files, create and/or increment such serial numbers, and search for and verify/display serializations. Primarily intended for software developers; other users may initialize software applications with security-related, ownership, or other identifying marks. Visible::Serialization (a DOS program) may be used with most traditional MS-DOS or Windows executables, including those created with CA-Clipper, Borland Turbo Pascal, QuickBASIC, PowerBasic, Visual Basic(tm) for Windows or DOS, FoxPro, Clarion, C/C++, etc. One 360k 5.25" or 720k 3.5" evaluation disk. ___ Visible::Source, developers' code listings repository for Windows 3.1+. Provides a storage and cataloging system for code fragments or listings that have been written in many different projects. A programmer may take favorite portions of code (or even complete function or procedure listings, up to 32k each) by selecting them from the source and pasting them into the repository, which also provides ample opportunity to describe and otherwise annotate the listings. Code reuse may be effected by reversing the process. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb evaluation disk. * WINDOWS 3.1 (or greater) PROGRAMS * ---------------------------------------- from RCCO Research ___ WOLFGANG, automotive service records; for Windows 3.1+. A superb visual recordkeeping system for individual, professional or small-business automobile maintenance records. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode; 2mb or more memory; 3.2mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available only on three HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ BIBLIOTEK, book library records; for Windows 3.1+. A visually- oriented recordkeeping system for individual, professional or institutional book collection records. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode; 2mb or more memory; 3.3mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available only on three HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ CinemaNexus, video collection records; for Windows 3.1+. A superlative, visually-objective recordkeeping system for an individual collection of video materials records, such as those for video cassettes and laser discs. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode; 2mb or more memory; 3.4mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available only on three HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ MusicaNexus, audio collection records; for Windows 3.1+. A consummate, event-driven system of records for a personal or professional collection of musical cassettes, compact discs, or other recorded formats. A visually appealing program for the connoisseur of recorded music in any category. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode; 2mb or more memory; 3.4mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available only on three HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ PhilatelicNexus, stamp collection records; for Windows 3.1+. Report writer. Specifications: Windows 3.1; 2mb or more memory; 1.4mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available on one HD 3.5" 1.44mb evaluation disk. ___ DataNexus, quick database viewer/editor for Windows 3.1+. A quick, easy-to-use browser/reader/editor for industry-standard database tables produced by Paradox, dBASE, and certain other DBMS parent programs. Perform edits, append/insert/delete records, update indexes on maintained-index tables. Graphical toolbar includes navigational buttons, a file open selector, and a window print facility. Specifications: Windows 3.1; 2mb or more memory; 1.4mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. Available on one HD (1.2mb or 1.44mb) evaluation disk. ___ FormsNexus, laser-ready office forms suite for Windows 3.1+. Fill-in-the-blanks simplicity combined with desktop-publishing quality printed versions of standard office forms. For those offices with a laser or inkjet printer, this is one of the premier programs that can be placed on an organization's computer. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode, plus a minimum of 4mb memory (6mb or more highly recommended); 4.5mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. The fully-functional evaluation copy comes only on 4 HD (5.25" 1.2mb or 3.5" 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ InterNexus, Internet mailbase / log (with binary objects storage) for Windows 3.1+. Long-term storage & logging for up to one gigabyte of information for users of the Internet. InterNexus works as a supplement to communications or mail-message software. Related binary objects (images, graphs, spreadsheets, documents, sound & video objects) may be added, viewed, played, updated/edited. Report writer. Specifications: Windows 3.1 in Enhanced Mode, plus a minimum of 4mb memory (6mb or more highly recommended); 4.5mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. The fully- functional evaluation copy comes only on four (4) HD (5.25" 1.2mb or 3.5" 1.44mb) diskettes. ___ DesignsNexus, a repository for conceptual & visible objects (with binary objects storage) for Windows 3.1+. A recordkeeping and objects reference facility for designers or users of creative works in any form that can be stored as binary objects on computer-readable media. Concepts can be stored as text objects. Actual portions of related binary objects may be embedded in the data table itself along with each record, via an OLE 2-compliant Object Attach window. Pictures, drawings, images, graphs, spreadsheets, documents, sound and video objects may be added, viewed, played, and usually updated/edited from within DesignsNexus. Storage capacity of up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode, plus a minimum of 4mb memory (6mb or more highly recommended); 4.5mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. The fully-functional evaluation copy comes only on four (4) HD (5.25" 1.2mb or 3.5" 1.44mb) diskettes. ___ ImageryNexus, image objects reference / container (with binary objects storage) for Windows 3.1+. A recordkeeping and objects reference facility for users of images stored on computer-readable media. Actual portions of related binary image objects may be embedded in the data table itself along with each record, via an OLE 2-compliant Object Attach window. Storage capacity of up to one gigabyte. Pictures, drawings, images, graphs, as well as spreadsheets, documents, sound and video objects may be added, viewed, played, and usually updated/edited from within ImageryNexus. Report writer. Specifications: Windows 3.1 in Enhanced Mode, plus a minimum of 4mb memory (6mb or more highly recommended); 4.5mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. The fully-functional evaluation copy comes only on four (4) HD (5.25" 1.2mb or 3.5" 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ ProjectsNexus, projects/objects/documents development records (with binary objects storage) for Windows 3.1+. Recordkeeping for professional, institutional or corporate collections of documents, binary objects (images, graphs, spreadsheets, documents, sound & video), and/or projects development records. OLE 2 compliant; binary objects storage up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Specifications: Windows 3.1 running in Enhanced Mode, plus a minimum of 4mb memory (6mb or more highly recommended); 5mb disk space; 80386sx or greater. The fully-functional evaluation copy comes only on four (4) HD (5.25" 1.2mb or 3.5" 1.44mb) evaluation disks. ___ MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator for Windows (v3.1 or greater). MFTC provides a facility for determining tax cost of redeemed shares (full or partial) in one or more mutual fund accounts. The program computes dividends, capital gains distributions, redemptions, and purchases on an average-cost basis. It is meant to provide a simple, non-technical method for those mutual fund accountholders who must file Schedule D (Capital Gains & Losses) on IRS Form 1040 to cover their fund redemptions during any tax years. Report Writer included. Program requirements: 80386sx or greater, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, 2mb ram, 1.5mb hard disk space. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. ___taXcel: stay-on-top Sales Tax Calculator for Windows (v3.1 or greater). Provides quick calculations of sales tax on currency amounts, along with an indication of grand totals. taXcel remains on-screen in front of ("stay-on-top") other applications and windows for ready access. The small calculation window that is visible can be moved or minimized. Its on-screen position is recalled from session to session to appear in the same place it was last utilized. After an initial entry of the sales tax rate, taXcel defaults to the last-used rate for each session until changed again by the user. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. ___TopSide: stay-on-top Calendar, for Windows (3.1 or 95) provides the needed calendar applet missing from Windows 95. Requires: 80386sx or greater, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, 335kb hard disk space. Stay-on-top capability, calendar print feature, and system information available in registered copy. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. ___PORTFOLIO PAGES, Personal Investments Management for Windows (v3.1 or greater) is a visually-oriented approach to maintaining summaries and details for personal investments records. Based on a concept of tabbed file pages representing a multiple-table system of an investment portfolio, the program allows for a broad range of recordkeeping for mutual funds, stocks, bonds, cash accounts, real estate and other assets, as well as including provision for various retirement accounts. After detail particulars are entered by the user, various summary pages and a printed report offer perspective and an overall portrait of aggregate assets. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. * 32-BIT WINDOWS PROGRAMS * ------------------------------ from RCCO Research ___taXcel32: stay-on-top Sales Tax Calculator for 32-bit Windows. Provides quick calculations of sales tax on currency amounts, along with an indication of grand totals. taXcel32 remains on-screen in front of ("stay-on-top") other applications and windows for ready access. The small calculation window that is visible can be moved or minimized. Its on-screen position is recalled from session to session to appear in the same place it was last utilized. After an initial entry of the sales tax rate, taXcel32 defaults to the last-used rate for each session until changed again by the user. Requires 80386sx or greater and 32-bit Windows operating system. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. ___TopSide32: stay-on-top Calendar for 32-bit Windows provides the needed calendar applet missing from Windows 95. Requires: 80386sx or greater and 32-bit Windows operating system. Stay-on-top capability, calendar print feature, and system information available in registered copy. Available on one (1) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disk. ___Portfolio Pages32, Personal Investments Management for 32-bit Windows is a visually-oriented approach to maintaining summaries and details for personal investments records. Based on a concept of tabbed file pages representing a multiple-table system of an investment portfolio, the program allows for a broad range of recordkeeping for mutual funds, stocks, bonds, cash accounts, real estate and other assets, as well as including provision for various retirement accounts. After detail particulars are entered by the user, various summary pages and a printed report offer perspective and an overall portrait of aggregate assets. Includes Install/Uninstall program. Requires 80386sx or greater and 32-bit Windows operating system. Available on two (2) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disks. ___ MFTC32: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, 32-bit edition, for 32-bit Windows. MFTC32 provides a facility for determining tax cost of redeemed shares (full or partial) in one or more mutual fund accounts. The program computes dividends, capital gains distributions, redemptions, and purchases on an average-cost basis. It is meant to provide a simple, non-technical method for those mutual fund accountholders who must file Schedule D (Capital Gains & Losses) on IRS Form 1040 to cover their fund redemptions during any tax years. Report Writer included. Program requirements: 80386sx or greater processor and 32-bit Windows operating system. Available on two (2) HD 3.5" 1.44mb disks. Please note: Descriptions, features, specifications, requirements, fees, and formats are subject to revision or modification without notice. RCCO Research Associates (Technical Publishers, Est. 1965) P. O. Box 196 / Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738-0196 (U.S.A.)